Our club is open to all people interested in improving their public speaking and leadership skills. We meet on Tuesdays, and we would love for you to be our guest at any meeting. If you are looking for a safe environment to learn how to become a better public speaker and leader, this is the place.
Attend a meeting to observe or join in on the fun!
*** During the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, our club is adhering to social distancing recommendations. To remain connected, we are currently hosting online meetings.
Please fill out the form on our website to get in on the fun! ***
Tuesday Mar 3, 2026
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Online via Zoom
Mari-Lou Wong-Chong, VP Membership • Phone 910-842-6566 • Email: marilou.wongchong@gmail.com
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.brunswickcountychamber.org – Contact the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
112 Pine Street, Shallotte, NC 28459 – (910) 754-6644 – communications@brunswickcountychamber.org